Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Marriage goes through cycles like the seasons. Of course there is early marriage which is usually a 10, perfect, enjoyable, even giggly. Unfortunately it is also a time of adjustment, suprise and disappointment that you didn't exactly get the spouse that you expected.
It is totally normal to have ups and downs in marriage. They can be due to a change in circumstances which are temporary or permanent. Like career problems, financial setbacks, children, moves, health issues and such. Any of these issues of life can cause stress in a marriage, but it is how we deal with them which determines their long term effect on us and our marriages. We tend to have more difficulty when we were hurt and not given good coping skills in our upbringing. If we didn't have good role models we struggle more. Certainly if there are any circumstances like alcohol, drug use, addictions or mental illness it is more complicated.
There was a very interesting study about marriages out of Ohio State University. They did a study of a large group of couples who were unhappy and wanted to divorce. Half of the couples did divorce, the other half decided not to. They followed up with the group who did not divorce five years later. What they found was astonishing. Of those who had been unhappy and almost divorced, 80% of them were very happy five years later! They questioned them about how they survived, even thrived their winter of discontent.
1. Some had what they called the ENDURANCE ETHIC, where they just outlasted their problems.
2. Another group had the MARITAL WORK ETHIC, just accepting that marriage was work and they continued to plug away.
3. Another group had adopted the PERSONAL HAPPINESS APPROACH, where they sought other ways to experience personal happiness in spite of their difficult marriages.
So, what is the lesson here? I think that we commonly perceive that the struggle we are currently in (the winter) will never change. Often times that is not true. There are many reasons for a winter of discontent. Some of these struggles will resolve or improve over time. With work and skills and attention to growth, or not. It makes me pause and think long and hard if I have done all that I can about surviving, even thriving in the winter in Wisconsin!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Can Love be Rekindled?
So, what do I mean by that!?!?!?! The qualified part, is that under certain circumstances, it certainly can be rekindled. So what are the circumstances?
We have to seperate out our desire and search for love to be a ME thing. I mean we have to not be tied to finding, keeping and rekindling our love with our husbands. Sounds rather strange when I write it....... But for so many years I wanted to have a marriage which honored God and I drove myself crazy, even though that sounds like a respectable goal. I am only in charge of me and my life, and when we make goals or have desires which include our spouses things get complicated very fast. So we need to seperate out our search for and desire for love to just ourselves, our husbands are in charge of themselves. When I changed my desire to be a woman who honored God, I didn't drive myself so crazy!
Once we are just looking at ourselves we can begin the real work of growing. So we begin by connecting to God and His love, acceptance and great and perfect plan for us. This becomes the bedrock of any future growth. We HAVE to start here!
I hate to be the one to tell you this but Fairy tales aren't true and no one promised you a rose garden. We next have to examine and get rid of any unrealistic expectations. Get rid of all the riff raff clogging up our hopes and dreams.
We need to heal from our own past. Examine our family history, life experiences any traumas we have had, etc. It may take being in a group, counseling, years of Bible study, journaling or all of the above. For me, I had to examine what it meant to be from an alcoholic family and what my role and rules were. I had to look at my reaction to the death of my sister and my parents divorce. Then I had to look at my unhealthy relational patterns which I had been practicing in life and marriage. This can be a long process and it will take as long as it takes. Probably a lifetime!
Other helpful things we can do is to get a group of like minded, supportive women around you. Then learn and apply skills for a healthy marriage. Of course it would be preferrable if we could do this with our spouse, but it is also possible to do alone.
So I recommend that if you want to experience rekindled love that you do all of these things for 5 years and then reasses the situation then!
Can I promise you that your love will be rekindled? NO
Can I promise you that it won't if you don't do these things? YES
To proceed down this path of working, searching and desiring to have a rekindled love alone is a fearful and risky path. But it is a path that honors God, grows us up, and from my perspective, the only path of hope towards rekindling love. Let's do our part and see what happens. . . . . It did work for me! May God Bless you!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Year, New Hope
I can't believe it is 2010! I feel like I usually do at the end of one year, and the beginning of the next, mixed. Sad about what did not happen in the previous year, excited about the possibilities of the next. I hope you feel similarly as you get to know this very new blog. This blog comes with a purpose and expectations.
- A SAFE PLACE for Christian women who struggle with marriage.
- A PLACE TO SHARE challenges and insights and questions in the ups and downs of marriage
- A place to share honestly and NOT BE ALONE.
- A place to be CHALLENGED to be all that God made us to be.
- A place to LEARN about ourselves and relationships.
- A place to be EMPOWERED by the Lord and other sisters
- A place for HOPE beyond our circumstances.
- A place to be ENCOURAGED
- I expect honest feedback of all kinds regarding my posts
- I expect us to be challenged and uncomfortable at times
- I expect that we will be encouragers, accepting we are all on different places in our walk
- I expect to write the blog 2 times per week
- I expect the blog to get better and better with time
- I expect great things!
Thank you for entering this journey with me. I really do want your feedback on my articles and writing. I want to know if what I write is true for you or not. I want to know if you think I am right on, or if I am off base in what I am saying. I will write comments on the replies as I am able, but mostly I expect to learn a lot from you!